ASSIST News and Updates

ASSIST News and Updates



ASSISTance: Fall 2021

General Updates

Upcoming ASSIST Closures - Please note the following office closures for ASSIST Central Services (ACS)
  • Thursday, December 23 and Friday, December 24, 2021 - Winter Holiday
  • Monday, December 27 through Wednesday, December 29, 2021 - Winter Curtailment
  • Thursday, December 30 and Friday, December 31, 2021 - New Year Holiday
  • Monday, January 18, 2022 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Monday, February 15, 2022 - President’s Day
ASSIST Staffing  - As noted in our prior update, ASSIST welcomed a new Senior Articulation Analyst to the team, Erica Lassen. Erica’s addition allowed us to assess how we might improve support and service to users. Now, each analyst serves as the first point of contact for articulation officers in a different set of CIAC regions
Counselors, transfer center directors, evaluators, other non-articulation officer and data managing staff, and the general public should continue to contact for support.
ASSIST Articulation Agreements - As of December 15, 2021, over 2.8 million prefix, department, major, and general education articulation agreements have been published to! This includes over 570,000 published agreements for the 2021-2022 academic year alone! This number will continue to climb steadily as institutions work to publish new agreements and fill in gaps where agreements may not be published yet.
ASSIST Collaborative Group Updates
  • ASSIST Articulation Officer Workgroup - The ASSIST Articulation Officer Workgroup met in October, November, and December most recently. The group discussed and provided feedback on several topics including: the possibility of adopting a standardized naming convention for articulation agreements by major, cross-list course policy, the use of ASSIST data downloads known as extracts, clarifying language used in certain parts of the website, and data sharing procedures.
  • Articulation Modernization Workgroup - The ASSIST Articulation Modernization Workgroup met in October, November, and December, where system progress was demonstrated and additional technical requirements were gathered. During this time, coding work related to the following system functionality was completed: The ability to build course-to-course articulation; the ability to view supplemental sending course information such as course outlines and prerequisites; the framework necessary for building agreement templates, and template element drag and drop buttons for moving around items within a template. In addition to the coding work completed, a data conversion analysis plan was launched.
Updates to Reporting -  This past quarter, articulation officers and ASSIST data managing users saw the following updates made to the reporting tools in the backend of ASSIST:
  • Workflow Export - A new report that allows them to better track the status of both past and current course submissions in ASSIST.
  • Course Articulation Summary Report - Course Articulation Summary Report - Long a staple for ASSIST users, this report was recently re-released for use, allowing the ability to better track existing articulation and identify opportunities for expanding articulation.
Finding CSU GE-Breadth area F (Ethnic Studies) courses on ASSIST - Please note that users will find area F listed in the left-hand search panel of the website only if the selected community college has at least one course approved for area F:
If a community college does not yet have any courses approved for area F, the left-hand panel of the website will not display area F as an option.
Questions about using the ASSIST website should be sent to

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    About ASSIST

    The ASSIST program mission is to facilitate transfer from California Community Colleges (CCC) to the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) by providing comprehensive articulation information to students and to those who serve them.

    Contact ASSIST

    T: 510.987.9551